Author Topic: Missing laps with version and Smart Sensor  (Read 3590 times)

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Missing laps with version and Smart Sensor
« on: December 25, 2018, 07:27:11 PM »
Hi All
I have been holding back using the latest version because there is some incompatibility between RCS64 and the SmartSensor (software vers 14).
For instance, one of the issues is that when a car is in pit mode (sensed by the SS) there are no brakes.
This means that you have to coast inside the pitlane. Instead with the RCS64 version I was using before (.127 I think - where there was still the "GO" option in the pit menu) with SS ver 12 I could use the brake button to stop the car in the pitlane where ever I wanted.
So there is something wrong here. The worst part is that this incompatibility is creating some issues with counting laps.
Despite this, I decided for our latest series (3DTM) to give a new version a try. Main reason is that is more responsive than version .127.
Also I like that one can set the tyres wear such that they can last longer than 100 laps.

It was ok to live with the missing brakes in the pit. What I was not expecting was that during practice/quali/race we are missing lap counting: once in a while one or more driver will not see their lap counted where going over the APB.
Why do I think that this is an issue with the SS? Because I did some testing where I unhooked the SS from my laptop and there were no missing laps.
My laptop is a dell latitude with 16GB of RAM and i7-5600U CPU@2.60 GHz.
I dock the laptop on a dockstation where I have two monitors and all the usb cable attached (FTDI, SS, mouse, etc).
My update frequence is set to 1. But even changing to 5, 10 or whatever has not really helped much.
One interesting thing: I have done lots of tests running laps against a pacecar (fixed speed). The pacecar never misses a lap. It seems that only the IDs controlled by a human are affected.
I can rule out that is an issue with the apb or the cable: I have two APBs and two cables and the issue is there no matter which APB/cable I use.

Our races are pretty long: we do mini endurance races of 30 min each. Each driver misses between 5 to 10 laps per race. Couple this with the lack of adjusting lap counting via software (basically I have to pass the car manually over the APB during a track call to put in the missing laps) and it makes for a very frustrating experience.
The situation is so bad that we are now back to version .127

I know that this is not going to be fixed because you guys are not supporting RCS64 but I would like to know if I am the only one with this issue.


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Re: Missing laps with version and Smart Sensor
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2019, 01:08:41 PM »
I know you have reported this way back, But as I dont have SSD anymore I wont be able to replicate and fix.


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Re: Missing laps with version and Smart Sensor
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2022, 04:49:44 PM »
Shot in the dark for a reply, i am also encountering this issue. Did you find a fix?