Author Topic: Euro rotation sit-out wrong  (Read 2264 times)

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Euro rotation sit-out wrong
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:11:32 AM »
I reported this awhile ago, and it got back burnered. I wanted to make sure it is addressed at some point.

The problem: in the Euro rotation of Series, the racer currently sits out between racing on 5, and then coming back in on 6 and finishing on 2.  This is incorrect.

The racer who starts in ID1 should rotate through all IDs with no break. Racers who start in other slots would "come out" after racing in ID2, take a break, then return in ID1.

For example, Greg starts in ID5. He would then race in 6, then 4, then 2, then he would SIT OUT until other racers have rotated in. When he comes back, he will race in 1 and then 3, and that will be the last race.

Another example, Alex starts in ID2. He would then sit out until the other racers rotated into the series, and come back in on 1 to complete his rotation.

As I said, the current rotation is working almost perfectly, except at what point the racers sit out from the racing until they come back in. They should sit out between 2 and then 1, not between 5 and 6.

Even when only running 3 or 4 IDs, the racer would still come out on 2, rather than 3, or 4.