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Messages - MrFlippant

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
General/Off Topic / Re: Christmas around the world
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:58:18 PM »
We do the chocolate advent calendars, too. Both my boys get their own, and sometimes we put candies into a tree shaped thing we have.
We also bake sugar cookies in various holiday shapes and painstakingly frost them all in various colors so that the reindeer looks like Rudolph, and the candles have yellow flames, etc.

General/Off Topic / Re: How to take Good Car Pictures.
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:58:44 PM »
You can choose white text, but I don't think you can choose a white background. Or, would the BG Color show if the image was letterboxed? That might be the way to go. Use the BG Color to letterbox the image (either on the sides or top, but maintain image original aspect ratio), and then you can choose the text color like now (white or black) to get the best appearance. Just need to make sure the controller screen uses the same size box as the dashboard for the car image.

General/Off Topic / Re: How to take Good Car Pictures.
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:09:27 PM »
And to me, the text on the car image is redundant. Not only do we more quickly identify ourselves in the dashboard by color and position on screen (not sorting by position), but also the image of the car itself is a good indicator.

But yes, if you had black text color selected, and the image was letterboxed, then it might be hard to read the text. So, choose white text. ;-) Or choose white background for the image. ;-)

General/Off Topic / Re: How to take Good Car Pictures.
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:26:46 PM »
Then, the solution is to set the car image to a fixed ratio/size, and only resize the other things.
Maybe I'm a little OCD, but when images get squished and stretched, it bugs me. I'd rather see the sides get cropped or to see black bars, than to have the image squashed or stretched.

Issues with version 4 / Re: Bug Reporting
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:08:47 PM »
Hi Greg
Thanks for repporting this.
I have tested, And off cource your right, there is a problem, but the copy to all cars seems to work, there is a minor bug in the "Use this cars settings for all chosen cars" It does not copy data into the one you have chosen. Its corrected in next build.


Just to be clear, the "copy to all cars" also does not copy the Power control data. It only copies the fuel tank stuff. I was not able to find ANY way to copy Power control data from one car to any or all other cars.

I realize now that this might be as designed, and that the copy functions are intended to only be for the settings in that box. But, I would very much like a way to copy Power Control data from one car to multiple other cars, 'cus it's a real hassle to edit all those data points individually for each car.

General/Off Topic / Re: How to take Good Car Pictures.
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:57:54 PM »
Why are they getting squished?
Is there a way we can get the native resolution for the dashboard so that we can make pics that don't get all squished like that?

Issues with version 4 / Re: Distance calculation?
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:32:40 PM »
It's not an important bit of info for me, so I'd be just as happy to remove the "miles" option entirely. But, it's nice to see things in a familiar measurement.
I might not check here every day, so email or PM me if you need immediate feedback.

If he has no pit sensors, the driver could be triggering the pit menu manually... accidentally.
Check the "Secs before open pit menu" on the main page, and make sure it's at least 1s, if not 2s.
Also, check the "Button for pit menu" option. If it's set to just brake, and your pit menu access was less than 1s, then he could easily have been entering the pit menu when using his brakes. Similarly, if his controller was dirty or bad (set controllers can malfunction this way), then he might be getting the problem without even pressing the button.
If/since you're not using pit menu stuff, I'd jack up that pit menu delay to 10s or more, so that it literally never happens in a race. Then, the button option won't even matter.

Archived Threads / Re: Maximize window?
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:24:36 PM »
I usually just double-click the title bar, so I don't have to drag the window just to get to the max button. :)

Issues with version 4 / Re: Bug Reporting
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:23:43 PM »
As noted on SFI, space bar and APB Start button not working to activate or cancel track call.

Issues with version 4 / "use this car's settings for all cars" not working
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:47:07 AM »
Didn't see this until today, but the "use this cars settings for all cars" button on the car set up page is not working. Nothing I do will copy the settings from one car to another, so either I'm doing something wrong, or something is not working correctly.

I wanted to change the "Power control" settings for one car, and then copy it to all cars, but I cannot do so. When I select one car, or many, the "use this cars settings for all cars" button does not effect the changes. Note that this is not the "Use this on all cars" button, which does work for fuel tank and burn settings in that little section of the screen.

I discovered this when testing the software at my friend's house. It had never run there before, and so all the settings and options were new. We had to tweak the fuel burn settings to get what we wanted, but could not copy them to multiple cars. That's when this bug was found. 

Issues with version 4 / Re: Distance calculation?
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:38:42 AM »
So, if I choose miles, I should put in 0.00984848? That's how much of a mile my track is.
I assumed that it was in feet if I chose mile, so we put in 50. At the end of a 50 lap race, it told us we went about 2.5 miles. Well, in real distance, 50 laps on a 50 foot track is not even one half mile. So, I thought it might have been scale... but then it should have said 16 (or so) miles.

This lead me to wonder if the distance is being calculated by meters and then converted to miles, and so RCS64 thinks my track is 50 meters long. But, that doesn't match up. The only thing that matches up is if it's showing me kilometers, based on the track length in meters... ignoring the fact that I chose "miles" on the main page. 50 laps of a 50 meter track is 2500 meters, or 2.5km, which is what the race result screen showed under distance traveled... though without the "km" indicator.

So, I guess maybe it's a bug? RCS64 isn't converting to feet and miles when the Miles option is chosen.

Issues with version 4 / Distance calculation?
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:51:40 PM »
I was wondering how the distance is calculated. There's the Miles/Kilometers option on the main page, and then there's a track length option in the race settings... does the m/km setting make a difference? What measurement should the track length be in? Is the distance at the end of a race the scale distance or actual distance?

Archived Threads / Stop using Codetrack?
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:49:10 PM »
I put a couple issues into Code Track, but if we're going to use the forum instead, I'll post them here.

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